Nathan Gallardo

Sound Design || Music || Audio DIY || Game Dev

Binaural Dummy-Head Windshields [Earmuffs for Frank]

I’m interested in doing some field recordings with Frank and so I’ve constructed a pair of windshields for his ears. This is simple stuff: the idea is to create a space of still air around the microphones, the same concept as a microphone blimp.

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I bought two strainers at a cost of 99p each. They should be big enough to provide plenty of still air around the ears. I cut off the handles, filed the cuts down smooth and bent the ends into a loop.

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I got some faux fur from ebay, cost me a few quid.

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The fur is cut to size, just wide enough to be able to wrap over the edges of the strainers to provide a soft contact with the head. Trim off the excess. Using a needle and thread, the fur is attached to the strainer in the middle as this makes it easier to stitch the rest.
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Wrap the fur over the edges of the strainer, bunching it up where necessary (although presumably if it’s too bunched up that might dampen the sound, so bear that in mind), and just stitch it on.

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Some elastic attaches the two halves together and makes it easy to get the windshields on and off.

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